Author = Mir hamed Seyed hasani
Effect mixture of vegetable and animal proteins based on corn gluten on growth rate and digestive tract tissue of beluga (Huso huso)

Volume 33, Issue 4, November and December 2024, Pages 17-37

M.H. Seyed Hassani; M.M. Sajjadi; B. Falahatkar; M. Mohseni; A. Halajian; A. Yousefi; M. Monsef Shokri

Effect of egg immersion at different levels of water-soluble thiamine on improving the incubation indices and larvae growth of farmed beluga (Huso huso)

Volume 32, Issue 2, May and June 2023, Pages 1-12

M. Mohseni; Z. Pazhand; S. Ghiasi; M.H. Seyed Hasani; M. Poordrhghani; R. Ghorbani Vagheie; H. Yeganeh; S. Ghasemian

Replacement of fish oil with canola vegetable oil based diets on growth and survival of the Siberian sturgeon (Acipenser baerii) fry

Volume 31, Issue 3, September and October 2022, Pages 1-16

Mirhamed Seyed Hassani; Mahmood Mohseni; Mansoor Sharifian; Somayeh Hasanpoor

Effect of micro coated selenium, vitamins C and E on growth performance, immune indices and liver enzymes in juvenile beluga (Huso huso)

Volume 30, Issue 6, January and February 2022, Pages 111-125

Ali Hosenin Poorzelti; M.H Seyed Hassani; Hossein Adineh; Tooraj Sohrabi

Quantitative and qualitative study of sturgeon fish until release in the Sefidroud River

Volume 30, Issue 2, September and October 2021, Pages 93-102

Seyed ali Mosavi golsefid; Shahram Abdolmaleki; Mohammadreza Behroz khoshghalb; Jalil Jalilpoor; Ali Hallajiyan; Mehdi Alizadeh rood poshti; Mir hamed Seyed hasani

Effect of different dietary protein and energy levels on growth of juvenile Beluga (Huso huso)

Volume 22, Issue 4, November and December 2014, Pages 107-118

M. Mohseni; A. Amirkhani; M. H. Seyed Hassani; H. R. Pourali