Author = B. Falahatkar
Effect mixture of vegetable and animal proteins based on corn gluten on growth rate and digestive tract tissue of beluga (Huso huso)

Volume 33, Issue 4, November and December 2024, Pages 17-37

M.H. Seyed Hassani; M.M. Sajjadi; B. Falahatkar; M. Mohseni; A. Halajian; A. Yousefi; M. Monsef Shokri

Effects of dietary cobalt chloride and vitamin C on growth performance, some hematological and biochemical indices in Siberian sturgeon (Acipenser baerii)

Volume 32, Issue 5, January and February 2024, Pages 95-111

S.M.S. Rodbaraki; H. Ershad; A.A. Zamini; B. Falahatkar; R. Safari

Effect of different feeding rates on feed intake, growth and nutritional performance in juvenile Persian sturgeon (Acipenser persicus) at high temperature

Volume 31, Issue 6, January and February 2023, Pages 39-50

B. Falahatkar; Sh. Gholami; E. Rasouli Kargar; I. Efatpanah

Comparison of the effect of sodium hypochlorite and clay on the de-adhesion of fertilized egg of Siberian sturgeon (Acipenser baerii Brandt, 1869)

Volume 30, Issue 4, November and December 2021, Pages 79-93

Bahram Falahatkar; Hadiseh Alizadeh; Hamed Abdollahpoor; Naghmeh Jaafari; Mahdi Rahmati

Assessment of the effect of mixed replacement of animal and plant protein-based mixes on fish growth indices, body composition and somatic index of Huso Huso

Volume 30, Issue 1, May and June 2021, Pages 119-134

Mir Hamed Sayed Hassani; Mirmasood Sajadi; Bahram Falahatkar; Ayoob Yoosefi; Ali Hallajiyan; Ali Hosseinpoorzolti; Mahmood Mohseni; Reza Gorbani

Growth performance and body composition of the Oriental River Prawn, Macrobrachium nipponense (de Haan, 1849), fed different dietary levels of astaxanthin

Volume 29, Issue 5, January and February 2021, Pages 175-185

M. Ettefaghdoost; H. Alaf Noveirian; M.M. Sajjadi; B. Falahatkar

The food preference of juvenile Ship sturgeon (Acipenser nudiventris Lovetski, 1828) in earthen ponds

Volume 29, Issue 2, July and August 2020, Pages 161-167

Sh. Gholami; B. Falahatkar; I. Efatpanah; B. Meknatkhah; E. Rasooli

Determination of apparent digestibility of the common ingredients used in the feed of juvenile Huso huso

Volume 29, Issue 1, March and April 2020, Pages 153-164

M.M. Sajjadi; A. Yousefi; M.H. Sayed Hassani; B. Falahatkar,

Transformation and gene expression study of recombinant fish GnRH in E. coli BL21 in order to produce recombinant hormone

Volume 28, Issue 3, September and October 2019, Pages 137-147

S. Mohammadzadeh; S. Yeganeh; F. Moradian; B. Falahatkar; S. Milla

Effect of dietary Malic acid on growth performance and body composition of juvenile Siberian sturgeon (Acipenser baerii Brandt, 1869)

Volume 27, Issue 6, January and February 2019, Pages 1-12

H. Alizade; H. Ouraji; B. Falahatkar; I. Efatpanah

Effect of fish meal replacement with sunflower meal on growth indices and body composition of common carp (Cyprinus carpio) fingerlings

Volume 26, Issue 2, July and August 2017, Pages 25-35

K. Javidrahmdel; H. Allaf noveirian; B. Falahatkar; A. Babakhani lashkan

Changes of biochemical, sex steroids and carcass composition of stellate sturgeon (Acipenser stellatus) juveniles fed different dietary levels of 17-ß estradiol

Volume 24, Issue 1, March and April 2014, Pages 59-74

bahman meknatkhah; bahram falahatkar; hossein khara; iraj efatpanah

Effects of different levels of canola meal on growth, body composition and biochemical parameters in Rainbow Trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss)

Volume 18, Issue 1, January and February 2008, Pages 81-100

A. Shafaeipor; V. Yavari; J. Maramazi; B. Falahatkar; E. Gorjipor


Volume 17, Issue 3, January and February 2008, Pages 107-120

M. Soltani; B. Falahatkar; M. Porkazemi; B. Abtahi; M. Kalbasi; M. Mohseni


Volume 12, Issue 1, March and April 2003, Pages 77-92

B. Falahatkar; K. Amini