Keywords = Intestine
Chymotrypsin activity extracted from beluga (Huso huso) intestine under some physical and chemical factors

Volume 31, Issue 3, September and October 2022, Pages 17-28

Abbas Zamani; Maryam Khajavi

Histomorphology and comparison of some digestive enzymes of proper intestine of, Arabibarbus grypus in both warm and cold seasons

Volume 30, Issue 1, May and June 2021, Pages 107-118

Rahim Abdi; Ameneh Moradkhani; Mohammadali Salarialiabadi; Seyedmohammadbagher Nabavi; Zahra Basir

Isolation and molecular diagnosis of lactic acid bacteria in intestine of Siberian sturgeon (Acipenser baerii)

Volume 27, Issue 5, November and December 2018, Pages 19-28

A. Shenavar Masouleh; M. Pourkazemi; M. Soltani; M. Yarmohammadi; M. Yazdani; M. Alizadeh; J. Jalilpour; S. Bazari Moghaddam; M. Masoumzadeh; S.H. Hoseynifar; P. Esmaeilii; Y. Baniesmaeilii

The gastrointestinal histological changes in zebra fish (Danio rerio) fed with cumin (Cuminum cyminum) essential oils

Volume 27, Issue 4, November and December 2018, Pages 25-35

M. Shahriari Moghadam; E. Ahmadifar

Histopathological Effects of Mercuric Chloride on Kidney and Intestine of Persian Sturgeon, Acipenser persicus fry

Volume 21, Issue 4, May and June 2013, Pages 95-104

S. Mosafer Khoorjestan; S. Khodabandeh; Z. Khoshnood