The comparison of heavy metals Hg, Cd and Pb in the tissues of Liza abu from Karoon and Bahmanshir Rivers, Khuzestan Province



A comparative study was conducted on concentration of heavy metals Hg, Cd and Pb in
the muscle, liver and gill tissues of Liza abu in winter 2009, in Karoon and Bahmanshir
Rivers of Khuzestan province. We used 216 specimens of Liza abu. Metals were extracted
from the tissues using wet digestion method and concentration of the heavy metals was
measured by Atomic Absorption Spectrophotometer. The highest concentration of Cd, Hg and
Pb were measured at 0.540±0.264, 0.029±0.005 and 1.080±0.128mg/Kg dry weight
respectively. The lowest concentration of Cd, Hg and Pb were found to be 0.434±0.035,
0.024±0.001 and 0.930±0.036mg/Kg dry weight, respectively. No significant differences in
concentration of heavy metals Cd, Hg and Pb in the muscle, liver and gill of Liza abu from
the Karoon and Bahmanshir Rivers were detected (P 0.05). Results showed accumulation of
Hg and Cd was lower than the FDA standard but accumulation of Pb was higher than the
WHO standard.
*Corresponding author
