Influence of replacing fish meal with soybean meal on growth rate, feed conversion ratio and chemical composition of carcass, fillet and liver in juvenile stellate sturgeon (Acipenser stellatus)



This study was conducted to determine the effect of replacing fish meal with soybean meal
on growth rate, feed conversion ratio and chemical composition of carcass, fillet and liver in
juvenile stellate sturgeon (Acipenser stellatus). As in Treatments one (F), two (S1), three (S2),
four (S3) and five (S4) 0, 10, 20, 30 and 40 percent of fish meal was replaced with soybean
meal, respectively. Five isonitrogenous and isocaloric diets formulated containing 44 percent
crude proteins and 4374 Kcal gross energy kg-1 diet. Individual body weights of fish were
measured every three week. Fish were sampled randomly from each treatment for whole
body, fillet and liver proximate analysis. Based on the results, weight gain (WG) and feed
conversion ratio (FCR) had significant difference among the treatments (P0.05).
