Applied introduction of ecosystem service modeling of marine aquaculture: Approach for estimation of production and net present value (NPV)



Marine and coastal ecosystems have many benefits and different services for humans that marine aquaculture is one of the most important of these services. Southern coast of Caspian Sea particularly Mazandaran coast have great potential for development of marine aquaculture. Now, there are 9 fish farms with different production capacities in Mazandaran coast. In this study, the growth of two species of fish Rainbow trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss) and beluga sturgeon (Huso huso) was modeled using the marine aquaculture model based on daily temperature, rate of metabolism and mortality rate. Finally calculated the harvest weight and net present value (Net Present Value: NPV) for both species in each farm was calculated by considering two scenarios: 1) Development and 2) BAU (Business as Usual) that was for Rainbow trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss), respectively, in each scenario equal to (10685 and 4302) tons with the NPV (68381 and 27537) million toman and for beluga sturgeon (Huso huso) equal to (879 and 354) tons with the NPV (24775 and 9992) million toman in total mazandaran coast during 2 years. So production of Rainbow trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss) is more economic. Results show that growth cycle fom the release (100 g) to harvest for Rainbow trout (Oncorhynchs mykiss) and is 2 cycle in 1 year and for beluga sturgeon (Huso huso) is 1 growth cycle in 2 years. Also, duration of growth cycle decreases when temperature increases such that at 12, 14 and 16 degrees Celsius was152, 132 and 114 days, respectively.
