Comparing sex hormones levels in Acipenser persicus at the onset of Autumnal migration

Document Type : Research Paper




Levels of two main steroid hormones in gonads, 17-B Stradiol (E2) and testosterone (T) were compared in males and females of Persian sturgeon at the start of autumnal migration to spawning rivers. Hormone levels were also studied for likely relationship with different stages of sexual maturity. The results showed that levels of T and E2 in females at the stage four of sexual maturity is significantly higher than the individuals with immature gonads (ovary in stages 2 and 3). We measured 11.81±2.86Ong/ml and 7±1.15ng/ml of T and E2 in mature females compared to 0.2±0.09ng/ml and 0.736±0.161ng/ml of T and E2 in immature females. Levels of the two hormones in males at different stages of sexual maturity showed that only testosterone was significantly different in mature and immature sturgeons (0.50±0.144 ng/ml and al 4.3 I 25±3.121ng/ml in mature and immature males, respectively) (P=0.04). In males and females with higher sexual maturity, differences between the two hormones were signific.....