Study of feeding habits of Yellowfin Tuna (Thunnus albacares) in the Oman Sea

Document Type : Research Paper



Feeding habits of yellowfin tuna were studied in the Oman Sea in 1998-99. 546 stomach contents with fork length frequency 38-173 cm were studied and classified as full, semi full and empty.
 Occurence of empty Stomachs Were high (63.10 %) in males and 59.37%: in females) in the specimens which indicated daily feeding of yellowfin tuna.
Purpleback flying squid (Sthenoteuthis oualaniensis) was the most dominant prey species observed in this study (60% in males and 57% in females), occurence of teleost fishes were found to be second (38% in mates and 42% in females).
Furthermore, crabs were also identified as a part stomach contents with a low frequency (1-2%).
