- Banana shrimp or Penaeus merguiensis is the most important shrimp species in Hormuzgan waters. It consists about 70% of the shrimp total catch. 2 • The spawning season of this species begins in late April and maximally last until the end of June. 3 - When spawning, females are found in 2 to 3 meters depths near estuaries with mangrove cover. 4 - After spawning, females have been observed in depths of 8 to 10 melers. 5 - the larva stay in mangrove estuaries from Post-Larval to juvenile stage, and then migrate to the sea......
Zarshenas, G. (1993). Behavioural habits of Banana shrimp in the Southern waters of Iran (Hormouzgan province) . Iranian Scientific Fisheries Journal, 1(1), 25-30. doi: 10.22092/isfj.1993.116173
Zarshenas, G. . "Behavioural habits of Banana shrimp in the Southern waters of Iran (Hormouzgan province) ", Iranian Scientific Fisheries Journal, 1, 1, 1993, 25-30. doi: 10.22092/isfj.1993.116173
Zarshenas, G. (1993). 'Behavioural habits of Banana shrimp in the Southern waters of Iran (Hormouzgan province) ', Iranian Scientific Fisheries Journal, 1(1), pp. 25-30. doi: 10.22092/isfj.1993.116173
G. Zarshenas, "Behavioural habits of Banana shrimp in the Southern waters of Iran (Hormouzgan province) ," Iranian Scientific Fisheries Journal, 1 1 (1993): 25-30, doi: 10.22092/isfj.1993.116173
Zarshenas, G. Behavioural habits of Banana shrimp in the Southern waters of Iran (Hormouzgan province) . Iranian Scientific Fisheries Journal, 1993; 1(1): 25-30. doi: 10.22092/isfj.1993.116173