Diplostomiasis in cultured Rainbow Trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss) in Iran

Document Type : Research Paper



This is the first report of Diplopstomiasis among rainbow trout in Iran. In June 1997 Diplopstomiasis occurred within rainbow trout farm in west Azarbayjan province. Diagnosis was Diplostomum spathaceum. This farm has the sedimentation pound. 56 species fingerling with average body weight 4.4 gr examined. Maximum and minimum metacercaria counting revealed one to five pieces respectively. In autopsies of 7 cultured fishes with average body weight 29.2 gr maximum metacercaria counting was 25 and minimum was 1 metacercaria in each eye. 8 breeder with average body weight 572.8 gr examined and infestation was 100 percent. The Lymnaeidae snails near sedimentation pound autopsies and larval stage of parasite did not exist......