Modelling the spatial distribution of Narrow-barred Spanish mackerel (Scomberomorus commerson; Lacepede 1800) in the Persian Gulf using logistic regression

Document Type : Research Paper



Knowledge of environmental parameters affecting on distribution of aquatics and their realms can help maintain and correctly manage aquatic reserves. Lack of enough data on the presence of fishes in the Persian Gulf has turned into a problem. The prediction of species distribution in a large scale has become possible using the remote sensing technologies. The present study aimed to model and depict the spatial distribution of Narrow-barred Spanish mackerel (Scomberomoruscommerson) in the Persian Gulf using logistic regression. The presence coordinates of the animal were downloaded from GBIF. The raster layers of 11 environmental parameters were procured from the Modis sensor website of NASA. Models were made in R. The accuracy of the models was examined using the area underneath of the ROC.  The probability of presence of S. commerson was mapped. Depth and particulate organic carbon were the most important factors shaping the spatial distribution of this species.
