Comparison of production and productivity indicators of western white shrimp (Litopenaeus vannamei) with two methods of direct stocking and nursery stocked

Document Type : Research Paper




A nursery can improve growth indicators and increase production efficiency. This research compared growth indicators, final harvest weight, and survival rate and feed conversion ratio between nursery and un nursery groups. The number of 819,000   pieces of post larvae 12 with density of 13 pieces per square meter was reared in stocking for 90 days in 9 ponds. The same number of post larves with a density of 4000 pieces per cubic meter was reared in the greenhouse for 30 days. Then it was stocked in 9 ponds with a density of 13 pieces per square meter and they were cultured for 60 days. Biomass was measured every 15 days.
Physico -chemical factors of water were recorded every five days. The final weight nursery shrimps was 28.13±0.51 1 and non-nursery shrimps 17.22±0.67. It shows a significant difference (P<0.05). It is probably activated by the compensatory growth of shrimps. The daily growth rate in the nursery group was 0.21±0.01 which was higher compared non nursery group 0.15±0.01 compared to the non-nursery group. It increased significantly. Also, the food conversion rate was significantly reduced. This this study, it can be said that shrimp production using shrimps nursery, in addition to reducing period of the culture with reduces the risk of disease. Also, reducing the food consumption and increasing the weight and quantity of shrimp production would increase the productivity.
