Author = H. Houshmand
Evaluation of bacterial contamination of surface waters of the Gargar River based on global standards

Articles in Press, Accepted Manuscript, Available Online from 26 August 2020

M. Ahangarzadeh; H. Houshmand; S. Dehghan Madiseh; S.R. Seyed Mortezaei

Water quality assessment of Maroon Dam Lake using WQI index

Volume 33, Issue 2, May and June 2024, Pages 113-123

F. Kianersi; M. Mazravi; M. Ahangarzadeh; H. Houshmand; S.A. Mortazavizadeh; F. Hekmatpoor; S. Nazemoroaya; J. Banitorfizadegan; K. Saneai Dehkordi; S. Abdevaise

Comparing the reproductive indices between and within different common carp (Cyprinus carpio) populations

Volume 32, Issue 6, March and April 2024, Pages 95-110

S. Nazemoroaya; S.A. Mortazavizadeh; A.S. Sadr; M. Yooneszadeh; F. Amiri; F. Hekmatpoor; H. Hooshmand; M. Ahangarzadeh; F. Kianersi; M. Bahmani; M. Hafezieh; M. Sharifian; E. Jorfi

Broodstocking and propagation techniques of Asian sea bass (Lates calcarifer) larvae under captivity conditions

Volume 32, Issue 5, January and February 2024, Pages 1-14

M. Torfi Mozanzade; M. Zabaieh Najafabadi; H. Hooshmand; M. Ahangarzade; A. Osoli; H. Saghavi; S. Mehrjooian; S.R. Seyed Morezaei; S.J. Hosseini Malayeri; M. Hafezie; H. Hosseinzade

Study of water quality of Doiraj Dam using bio-indicators based on macrobenthos

Volume 32, Issue 4, September and October 2023, Pages 115-107

F. Kianersi; N. Jahani; M. Mazraavi; J. Bani Torfi Zadegan; H. Hooshmand

Effects of probiotic mixtures in the diet on growth performance, hematological indices, immunity and antioxidant capacity of Asian sea bass (Lates calcarifer) juveniles

Volume 31, Issue 5, January and February 2023, Pages 1-12

M. Torfi Mozan zade; T. Mohammadian; M,. Ahangarzade; H. Hooshmand; A. Sepahdari; M. Zabaieh Najaf Abadi; A,. osoli; H. Saghavi; J. Monem; S. Megrjooian; M. Hafrzie; M. Mirbakhsh; E. Osroosh; M. Seyedi

Isolation and molecular identification of Vibrio alginolyticus from cultured marine fish in farms located south provinces of Iran

Volume 31, Issue 1, May and June 2022, Pages 9-21

Hossein Hooshmand; Mina Ahangarzadeh; Ayeh Sadat sadr; Samira Nazemroaya; Masood Ghorbanpoor; Takavar Mohammadiyan; Shapoor Kakoolaki; Ashkan AZhdari

Investigation of ecological effects of the presence of non-native species in Shadegan International Lagoon

Volume 31, Issue 1, May and June 2022, Pages 81-96

Farhnaz Kiyan ersi; Hoshang Ansari; Fatemeh Hekmatpoor; Fereydon Oufi; Hossein Hooshmand; Jamil Banitorfizadegan

Effect of sodium selenite and selenium nanoparticles on biochemical parameters of muscle, serum, antioxidant defense and exposure to mercury chloride in Acanthopagrus latus

Volume 30, Issue 5, January and February 2022, Pages 41-57

Farhnaz Kiyanersi; Alireza Safahieh; Negin Salamat; Amirparviz Salati; Hossein Hooshmand

The effect of ovarian extract of Sparidentex hasta containing prostaglandin (PGF2α) on testosterone fluctuations, Gonadosomatic Index and sperm motility in male

Volume 30, Issue 3, September and October 2021, Pages 13-1

Homayaon Hosseinzadeh sahafi; Mahmood Bahmani; Parasto Mohebi derakhsh; Mohammad Poorkazemi; Hadi Ghaffari; Seyedreza Seyedmortezaii; Mehdi Golshan; Mohadeseh Ahmadnezhad; Hossein Hoshmadnd; Mojtaba Zabayeh najaf Abadi

Evaluation of bacterial contamination of surface waters of the Gargar River based on global standards

Volume 29, Issue 2, July and August 2020, Pages 169-178

M. Ahangarzadeh; H. Houshmand; S. Dehghan Madiseh; S.R. S. mortezaei

Evaluation of Seymareh Reservoir Water Quality by Bacterial Indices and relationship with some physical and chemical water parameters

Volume 28, Issue 6, March and April 2020, Pages 89-97

H. Houshmand; M. Ahangarzadeh; S. Dehghan Madiseh; S.R. Mortezaei

The comparison of replacement ratio of Indian major carp with conventional carps in earthen pond in climatic condition of Khuzestan province

Volume 22, Issue 1, September and October 2013, Pages 117-128

S.M. Mortazavizadeh; F. Amiri; M. Youneszadehfashlami; H. Hoseinzadeh Sahafi; H. Hoshmand


Volume 18, Issue 1, January and February 2008, Pages 161-166

M. Ahangarzadeh; R. Seyed mortezaei; H. Hoshmand; M. Afsharnasab; N. Kor; L. Mohseni nezhad