Author = M.M. Sajjadi
Effect mixture of vegetable and animal proteins based on corn gluten on growth rate and digestive tract tissue of beluga (Huso huso)

Volume 33, Issue 4, November and December 2024, Pages 17-37

M.H. Seyed Hassani; M.M. Sajjadi; B. Falahatkar; M. Mohseni; A. Halajian; A. Yousefi; M. Monsef Shokri

Assessment of the effect of mixed replacement of animal and plant protein-based mixes on fish growth indices, body composition and somatic index of Huso Huso

Volume 30, Issue 1, May and June 2021, Pages 119-134

Mir Hamed Sayed Hassani; Mirmasood Sajadi; Bahram Falahatkar; Ayoob Yoosefi; Ali Hallajiyan; Ali Hosseinpoorzolti; Mahmood Mohseni; Reza Gorbani