The first report of shrimp Mcrobrachium nipponense Alagol, Almagol and Ajigol Lagoons golesta Province



For the first time, Oriental river prawn Mcrobrachium nipponense were investigated in three
international lagoons the (Aalgol, Ajigol and Almagol) in ٢٠٩-٢١٠ sampling take place monthly
using collapsible traps (Funnel Trap). In this study the max ٢٣١٠ male and ١٧٧٩ female specimens
and min ٥٩٩ male and ٦٦٧ female specimens were caught, and, ٦٦٧ in the Alagol and Ajigol
respectively. In the three lagoons, females were smaller than males. Comparing the average mean
length males and females showed significant difference among the Ajigol with the other lagoons and
the Alagol with the other lagoons respectively.
