An investigation on some biological characteristics of Capoeta buhsei in Gharachay River,Saveh



In this study we investigated biometric and morphometric traits of Capoeta buhsei in Gharachay River, Saveh. Sampling was in 5/90, 11/90 and 8/91. Sampling was by electroshoker. Samples after catching  transferred  to Azad  university of  Babols labratoar and investigated. Measurement of length was recorded by digital  caliper  to the nearest 0/01 mm and weight was recorded by digital balance to the nearest  0/01 g .Age determination was by  observing  scales  in  benicular  loop with 40..Results of  investigation  of   53  male and  39  female of  this  species  indicated  that  mean  standard length of  male and  female  was 131/46±23/59 mm and 152/96±25/07 mm respectively. Ratio of female to male was 0/73 :1  and with x2-test there wasn’t  a  meaningful  relashionship  between male and female ratio.
